
Bihar  is a state in eastern India.  At 38,202 sq. miles, it is the 12th largest (geographical size) and 3rd largest by population.  Almost 58% of Biharis are below the age of 25 - the highest proportion in India

Major State Indicators
  • The name Bihar is derived from the word ‘vihara’, meaning monastery. Bihar was a great religious center for Buddhists. It was at Bodhgaya in Bihar that Buddha attained enlightenment. Nearby Nalanda was a world famous Buddhist university in the 5th century AD.
  • Despite its ancient religious links it is the poorest and least developed of Indian states today.
  • Population of 82 million; approximately 87% of the population in Bihar resides in rural areas, isolated from information, services, and supplies, which support survival.
  • 57% of the population is below the poverty line
  • Has the lowest literacy rate – 47%.
  • In rural Bihar, the infant mortality rate is 63 deaths per 1000 live births, under 5 mortality rate is 105 and the maternal mortality ratio is 451 deaths per 100,000 live births.
:: information copied from eha ::